We all want to speak with confidence.
Whether we are on the stage, or in meetings in front of our colleagues, we want to appear calm, not clumsy!
But, fear of public speaking is a very common thing. Many of my very successful clients don’t think of themselves as having fear of public speaking per se.
However, when having to expose themselves to speak in front of a group of people, they often get shortness of breath and their posture -unconsciously- betrays some well hidden insecurities.
Today I want to share with you one of the many effective techniques I teach during my corporate wellness workshops. I call it “A Twist with Benefits” and I teach it to my Successful Presentation Skills™ clients as well to develop mastery of breath and postural alignment.
This little twist has many benefits indeed, some of them are:
- This twist is calming and relaxing to your nervous system.
- This twist develops body awareness, which you will need to achieve conscious command of your body language.
- This twist gives a good squeeze to your liver, your pancreas and your kidneys/adrenals, which increases blood flow.
- This twist relieves tension from the spine.
- This twist leads to conscious control over your breathing, a vital skill if you want to be calm, confident and charismatic.
- This twist improves postural alignment.
- This twist prepares you for advanced full breathing techniques.
- This twist is a valuable stress-dissolving practice in its own right.
And, the good news is that this Chair-Yoga twist can be practiced right at your desk while you are preparing a presentation, or simply to give yourself a refreshing two minute break.
It can also be practice just before your presentations, to remind your body of your breath power and postural alignment.
It can even be practiced seating in an airplane.
If you practice it, this twist can become your new best friend. One with many benefits.
About Puela
Puela Lunaris is the founder and master coach of The 6 Pillars of Successful Presentations™, which combines a wealth of practical techniques derived from her professional experience as a workshop leader, an internationally acclaimed performer, a TV producer, a certified stress-management consultant and a certified neuro-linguistic programing practitioner.
Puela leads dynamic, hands-on trainings where participants learn to be calm, confident and charismatic during public speaking in any environment, be it the stage, the camera, the internet or the conference room. Click here for a complimentary consultation.