
Bring this workshop to your organization for everyone to learn powerful and effective stress-busting techniques! From the C-Suite to the workforce, everyone can benefit from learning and practicing stress-dissolving exercises. Learn  how to help eye-strain, lubricate the joins, and refresh the mind.

You will take away from this experience several five minutes routines that can be used as mini-breaks, during work hours, to reduce stress and increase productivity, including:

  • Yogic Eye-Power Exercise.
  • Empowering breathing techniques for stress reduction.
  • Chair-Yoga routine for flexibility and strength.
  • Joint Freeing Formula for optimal energy flow.

This workshop is offered in a 60 minutes or 90 minutes format.

Click here for a free consultation about your organization’s wellness needs. 

© 2019 Puela Lunaris | New York City | Tel: 1-212-675-9485 | Email: booking(at)