About Puela

Puela Lunaris is an Learning Designer, Educational Technology Consultant, and a Presentation Skills CoachPuela Lunaris, B.A., C.Y.T. is an Intructional Designer, Educational Technologist, and founder of The 6 Pillars of Successful Presentations™ – a proven public speaking method for effectively connecting and communicating with your audience.

Widely used by public speakers from corporate executives to leading entrepreneurs, Puela’s unique presentation method combines a wealth of practical public speaking techniques and incorporates hands-on training, which focuses on the three C’s of communication: calmness, confidence, and charisma.

Clients trained in The 6 Pillars of Successful Presentations™ have seen profound results in the success of their presentations. Whether Puela’s clients are speaking on-stage, on-camera or simply in the conference room, the underlying key to their success is a dramatically improved stage presence and ability to engage their audiences.

Different from any other public speaking coaches in today’s market, Puela Lunaris brings her extensive expertise as a performer, yoga teacher, multimedia producer, instructional designer, certified stress-management consultant, and Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) practitioner. This richly diverse background in performance and presentation is the foundation of Puela’s 6 Pillars of Successful Presentations™ – a unique and integrated approach to effective public speaking.

As an internationally acclaimed performer, Puela Lunaris has presented in front of the likes of former Vice-president Al Gore, Dr. Deepak Chopra and many other renowned public figures. Puela has also been featured on PBS, CNN, NBC and Univision in the USA; TVE, and Tele5 in Spain as well the International Italian TV (RAI).

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about your instructional design needs
or your presentation skills success!



© 2019 Puela Lunaris | New York City | Tel: 1-212-675-9485 | Email: booking(at)successfulpresentationskills.com